Dear fellow Human Resources business partners and Business Owners

 As Covid 19 continues to devastate normal business, if you fortunate to be still operating, PLEASE do the right thing!   PalisadeHR strongly advises the minimum COVID19 MUST-DO LIST:

  1. Protect your employees by providing minimum appropriate PPE equipment
  2. Create social distance space between workers (is there a recommended distance?)
  3. Create a policy for managing ill/sick employees. Require they remain at home or otherwise will be removed from your facility. Strongly recommend medical attention.

I know everybody is working hard managing your businesses during this unprecedented Covid-19 outbreak, however unintended consequences of not properly caring for employees could lead to Union intervention and organizations.


Take the high road and care for your employees!  It’s the right thing to do! In following the Government Covid – 19 rules, you become a very important part of the solution and further reducing the spreading this virus.

If you need help understanding how to manage the people aspect of our current environment, please contact us here at PalisadeHR for council and support!  PalisadeHR at